XKG’s emerging capabilities in Cyber & Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Electronic Warfare push the horizons of Defence technology.
XKG and its highly experienced team of Cyber and C4ISREW experts bring extensive capability development, design, and sustainment experience in the delivery of complex systems across land, maritime and aviation domains.
XKG brings customer understanding through its ex-Australian Defence Force Intelligence, Operations and Special Forces professionals and is able to leverage its strong relationships, up-to-date systems knowledge, and operational experience to support Defence.
XKG’s key point of difference is in delivery of capabilities with full consideration of the support systems through mature Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) frameworks and integration across disparate sensor networks to provide a unified Operating Picture. XKG is strongly positioned to support the sustainment of this capability throughout its entire lifecycle through deep best-practice knowledge from its team of Business Analysis, Engineering, Information Technology and Integrated Logistics Support professionals.
XKG’s capability to deliver cyber security engineering services is drawn from our extensive performance and experience in Defence security environments. XKG’s credentials span security advisory in all three services (Navy, Army and Air Force), plus other government security organisations and industry. As a member of the Defence Industry Security Program DISP), as well as the newly established ISREW Security Services Panel, XKG maintains security procedures and policies consistent with the Commonwealth Government's Protective Security Principles Framework.
Case Studies
Modernisation of Maritime Electronic Warfare (MMEW) Program Integrated Security Services
XKG is contracted to develop and deliver design concepts for tiered security requirements of the Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare (ISREW) Branch. Commencing with Security Management Planning for the ISREW-Maritime Systems Program Office, XKG articulated relevant Commonwealth and Defence security policies and standards to enable its comprehensive application to Defence Industry Partners, shifting from the acceptance of Industry Security Management systems. XKG reviewed existing project documentation, liaised with stakeholders and developed a Security Framework for the SPO to facilitated complex changes to the application of security principles in the acquisition of highly classified Defence capabilities.
Five Eyes Video Dissemination System Risk Reduction Activity
XKG is providing specialist security subject matter expertise (SME) and accreditation support to CIOG’s Military Platform Integration (MPI) Directorate in the development of the proposed Video Dissemination System Risk Reduction Activity (VDS RRA). The intent of the VDS RRA is to inform future project activities around Motion Imagery, demonstrating FVEY interoperability and federated Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination, and will seek to demonstrate that a commercially available VDS solution is suitable to meet the capability needs of the Air Force.
Army Aviation Cyber Security and Worthiness Operations (CS&WO)
XKG is providing Systems Architecture / Integration (SAI) CS&WO Services to assist with C4ISREW SAI and the establishment of CS&WO of systems and platforms in support of Army Aviation Systems Branch activities. This includes reviewing the status against the CS&WO checklist of existing accredited network security posture for agreed AASB platforms, and establishing in-service management of cyber-worthiness risk management, certification and accreditation. This enables continuous verification and validation activities for AASB platforms and supply chain into the future.
Engineering Design Support to SEA 1000 Electronic Support Measures Sub-System
XKG supported a major Defence prime in developing and designing a leading edge maritime Electronic Warfare and Electronic Support Measures System. The prime has recognised XKG’s high-quality and expert engineering and ILS support in preparation of design documentation and proposal for the SEA1000 ESM combat sub-system.
LAND 154 Phase 4 –Joint CIED Electronic Countermeasures Capability Definition
XKG supported Capability Definition Documentation for Land Project 154 Phase 4, delivering Force Protection Electronic Countermeasures. This included definition of communications electronic warfare techniques, with a focus on the development and testing of electronic countermeasures against radio frequency (RF) based threat systems. XKG led elicitation and definition of RF based force protection electronic countermeasure techniques, architectures and systems designed to counter improvised explosive devices (IEDs) through its experience in Integrated Logistics Support and Fundamental Inputs to Capability factors.
Boeing 737 Airborne Early Warning and Control (Wedgetail)
XKG provided systems integration engineering for Defence’s Boeing 737-700 aircraft platform and a variety of aircraft control and advanced radar systems, including airborne early warning systems. XKG applied its system engineering expertise to the platform’s advanced open-system architecture with standards-based design for cost-effective integration and add-on flexibility.
ISREW-M Nulka Launch Sub-System (SEA1397 5B)
Key XKG personnel were responsible for leading the analysis and documentation of the Project for Gate 2 government approval. The Project is introducing the next generation of electronic warfare technology to the Royal Australian Navy for the self-protection of the Surface Combat Fleet. For Navy’s newest and largest platforms, the Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD), Nulka represents a new capability that requires specific treatment to confirm the efficacy of the Nulka system. Our staff were responsible for analysis and development of all project documentation, including the Project Execution Strategy, Implementation Project Management Plan, Workforce Plan and Schedule, as well as other briefs and stakeholder engagement to support the case for Government investment in the next generation of Nulka.
LISREW Cyber Security Support
XKG monitored and distributed vulnerability and patch notifications on behalf of Army ITSM, and maintained a database of stakeholder engagement and compliance. The company coordinated Army returns on patch status to CIOG and ACSC, alerted non-compliance to the relevant authorities, and monitored XP-188 submissions for cyber security incidents and collate statistics. XKG managed Army ICT Security Office RFIs including the monitoring of inbox and returns to ensure ITSM was providing appropriate responsiveness across Army. XKG engaged with relevant stakeholders, identifying any gaps, risks, or issues to the Project. XKG provided specialist advice to working groups and senior committees, and managed any obstacles that would have impeded on the deliverables being successfully executed. XKG successfully collaborated with ADF, APS and Defence contractors to self-manage their hours to ensure contractual obligations were being met, and to advise the Project Manager of contractual risks.
Intelligence and Surveillance Support Program Office (ISSPO)
XKG team members have been assessing, delivering and sustaining C4ISREW systems for the Special Forces Group. These C4ISREW capabilities have frequently been implemented many years prior to broader Army and Defence user groups. Through this exposure staff have a detailed understanding of the data generation capabilities of modern systems. Turning this large volume of data into actionable intelligence is key to Defence delivering true capability on its C4ISREW investment. XKG can support in this area with its experience in analysing sensor systems and how they feed data into C4I networks for analysis and subsequent distribution of intelligence product. XKG has a detailed understanding of the TOP SECRET systems involved in this environment and some of the challenges at working at this level of Classification.
Cyberworthiness Review for ASX Top 20 Company
XKG conducted a review into cyber preparedness for the design of a Defence hosted application. This Involved the review of systems, processes and tools in accordance with the Australian Signals Directorate cyber worthiness framework.